Inside each of us there lies power to do what we want in the different ways we think, whether correct or wrong, what matters to most of us is as long as we have done that, that we desire to do because its what our instincts feel we should do.

In every man there lies the power to of will which is the main the driver that gives us the passion of what we are to do in whatever aspect. Will normally brings all other aspects under its sway. The deciding power normally in the children of men is not based on taste, but the will but that guides human conscience. The conscience then is relevant, it is then guided correctly in consideration to the obedience of God. (White: 1997, P. 685).

For right decisions to be made, every body must depend on the right action. Initially, for a decision to be thought of, one first looks at their inner will to do something, for even “the tempted ones ought to first understand the force behind their will” (White: 1977, P.685). So, thoughts come as a result of desire, which is driven and fueled by the will that guides the power for one to make a decision.

to those who judge us, do so basing on our character, which is just determined by our decisions, if the decisions are bad, then we shall be judged to have a bad character, but what is the road to righteous decisions and moral-full character? It is not a question of debate neither is it a question of conscience, but a question of purity. This is governed by the spring of all our actions. In this, what are we talking about? Defining and describing, we are trying to discover the road to making right decisions. Believing in God, sacrificing ourselves to him, and giving Satan no control of us, shall guide our instinct, will, desire and decisions to righteousness. “Yield yourself up to me, give me that will, take it form the control of Satan, and I will take possession of it, then I can work in you to will and do my good pleasure”. (White: 1997, P. 686)

It is now true that decisions have a lot of power in who we are because they guide our character, and society’s nature is that, it is quick to judge and this is based on who we are, which is derived from our character, and the character is based on how we decide on different things. All this is guided by our will, but the question remains, “how do we make decisions rightfully in the way of God?“. We need to yield ourselves up to “Him” and in Him alone the Lord our God. Hence we shall have the right decisions in our way of living.

Yours in decisions Raymond Mayanja.

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